By milhouse86 - 27/09/2010 19:22 - United States
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Fake. If the car next to you was pulling out, it would feel like you're going forward not rolling back.
thank you
Um... are you stupid, 13? If someone next you you starts moving, it makes you feel like you're going the OPPOSITE way they are. Wherever OP was parked, evidently the vehicle beside him was able to move toward the from of his truck. Maybe he was backed into a parking space? Use your brain.
front** of his truck
I've had my unnecessary scared moments too.
you got a sad boring life if you don't think it's funny,comon that's some cool shit that happend to him
I do that some times. : Not while naked, is all. How embarrassing.
why not? :)
Lol, sounds like something I would do. Just wait.
You are definately "awsum". ;-)
Did you honk the horn too?!? Bwahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!
Am I the only one who read "the guy next to me was just pulling out?" That would have made this even funnier.
Speaking from experience are we?