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By Anonymous - 24/10/2009 02:25 - United States

Today, I was changing my shirt in the bathroom when I dropped it. It fell on my foot, so I decided to flip it up with my foot instead of bending down to get it. I flipped it, and it landed in the toilet. Which somebody had not flushed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 347
You deserved it 35 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiseryMan 0

It is typical for some animals to use the smell of their own urine and feces to attract a mate. The smell is a sort of biological turn on. OP should see if this theory works for humans too.

picturetaker 0

YDI for being lazy. and wouldn't you notice if someone didn't flush?


jcdenton 0
MiseryMan 0

It is typical for some animals to use the smell of their own urine and feces to attract a mate. The smell is a sort of biological turn on. OP should see if this theory works for humans too.

It's not about what did happen, it's what could've happened. You could of caught it which probably would have made your day.

picturetaker 0

YDI for being lazy. and wouldn't you notice if someone didn't flush?

I'm thinking it was she who didn't flush

You were changing your shirt. So you could just put on the old shirt. Unless you dropped that in the toilet too...

sexymessy 0

Yeah as long as you have another shirt you should be okay..I would just leave the other shirt it's not worth it!!

hahaha this has happened to me. i just put it in the washing basket. living at home ftw.

lorenzopcordova 0

Eeeeewww, there were turds in there?!

No, there was a miscarried toilet-baby. OP was obviously at a McDonalds when this happened.

I'm now scared to use Mcdonalds toilets D:

How come? McDonalds has awesome stuff to munch on... like the 10 piece aborted McFoeti. omnomnom crunchyyy wit dat barbecue sauce :D Haven't you heard about the Spicy Fetus Mc'Bortion?!

You're a stinky-face poop-breath! I can see the cogs turning in the heads of kindergartners all over the world.