By Anonymous - 24/10/2009 02:25 - United States

Today, I was changing my shirt in the bathroom when I dropped it. It fell on my foot, so I decided to flip it up with my foot instead of bending down to get it. I flipped it, and it landed in the toilet. Which somebody had not flushed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 346
You deserved it 35 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiseryMan 0

It is typical for some animals to use the smell of their own urine and feces to attract a mate. The smell is a sort of biological turn on. OP should see if this theory works for humans too.

picturetaker 0

YDI for being lazy. and wouldn't you notice if someone didn't flush?


it must be the end of the world cause the op can't figure the washing machine out

cassiie_fml 0

Personally, I would never be able to look at said shirt in quite the same way ever again.

ShokuMasterLord 0

Whatever I'm doing in the bathroom, if the toilet is unflushed I always flush it.

Its pretty nasty but I think it was the OP's fault for going into the bathroom and not even bothering to flush it when it was full of crap. And for being lazy by not even reaching down. YDI

YDI for not noticing: a) it was unflushed b) the freakin' lid was open, HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE/NOTICE A)? D: