By a - 31/10/2009 04:14 - Korea Republic of

Today, I was chatting with a friend on msn. She told me a few days ago a Halloween party we had been planning was canceled because her parents said no at the last moment. Wanting to cheer her up, I went to her house to surprise her. I guess the party wasn't canceled after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 634
You deserved it 2 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate it when people can't be honest to others. If you don't like someone, friggin' say it. Don't lead them around because your balls are stuffed up your arse and you don't have the gall to say it. Time to find some friends that actually see you as a friend as well, hun. Sorry you're surrounded by shitty people.

God, that sucks. I hate it when people lie about things like that. If you don't want a person there, just tell them. You'd take it better than actually going and everyone giving you blank stares.


28 - if they're US military, yes they do :) I was in japan with my dad, a soldier, and we most def went trick-or-treating. not all people in Korea are Korean.

Mx_Rider 6

i suck at life? this shit of a website sucks at life stick it up your ass

not only that but you made an account on said site. I think your mad because your fml's aren't up to par like some of these people..

MiseryMan 0

I had friends just like that--two faced scum. It's a shame that their dogs died... ALL OF THEM.

This must be a common happening, I've seen this story before. I wish people would stop their passive aggressive BS and tell it like it is. When you find out the truth like this, which in this case is "YOU AREN'T INVITED" it sucks more then being told outright. Some people.

956TXking 0

Wow thats so bad :( (not trying to be sarcastic) I thought stuff like this only happened in movies...

lulu101_1 0

omg poor you :( you should choose better friends!!!