By Wingman527 - 15/09/2014 21:39 - United States - Salida
Wingman527 tells us more.
You can actually, it's called school.
Top comments
Don't feel bad OP I did the same thing when I was younger. I was at a friends house an thought they had these different coloured candies in a dish on the coffee table but sadly they were actually rocks. I was just glad nobody was around to see me try an eat one.
Key words "when you were younger." Im assuming OP is old enough to know the difference. And OP: Even if you thought it was a mint, you couldn't tell the difference once you picked it up?
FAKE. This fml is taken from season 3 episode 3 of the show "new girl" lame :(
I would l love to see a picture of these beads that looked like mints.
I'm just imagining the hotel desk people watching op as they pocked up a few glass bead, popped them in their mouth and immediately spot them back out.
Sorry OP but if you're old enough to rent a hotel room and still popping unknown objects in your mouth, either school didn't work or school can't help the kinda problems you have
how much sucking did it take to realize this?
You should have known they weren't MINT to be eaten.
Schools can fix ignorance, not stupid.