By Job Seeking - 22/01/2013 11:14 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I was cleaning at work when an elderly gentleman walked towards me, paused, and with a wink said, "That's what I like to see: a girl on her knees." This is the same workplace where another old man informed me that my yellow uniform made me look like a "suggestive cheesecake." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 147
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dblocker 18

Yet another FML that proves old people aren't so innocent.

perdix 29

Yeah, down on your knees is nice . . . but on the other hand, if you have to reach a low spot, turn around and bend over at the waist. Your tips will go through the roof! Whatever you do, don't squat -- that's just ugly.


Yellow uniform, inapropriate comments from old men... are you sure you aren't starring in an episode of 2 Broke Girls?

That's what I was thinking...but she the hot "max" or the skanky looking other girl.

no idea, but considering the pervy old men and the comments Id have to say she's Max.

onorexveritas 23

old pervy men, what can ya do?

perdix 29

#59, give in to them, because they're gonna die soon.

I would talk to your manager about whats been going on, maybe they'll let you be more behind a counter like a cashier etc. try to truly take a more authoritative stance maybe they'll back off too.....

woolymittens 11

Hahaha suggestive cheesecake wtf :p

KiddNYC1O 20

What if you're doing a mean scrub? Face down, ass up?

Hostile work environment. You should never have to put up with this shit. Document the incidents with your manager, HR. Ask them to help. If they won't, and if Australian law covers this, contact that government agency. Good luck finding your new job soon, OP.

graphicstyle7 17

On one hand, I am very sure these comments can be annoying. I was an attractive young lady once too. On the other hand... enjoy the fact that you are an attractive young lady, it does not last forever.