By Anonymous - 06/02/2016 01:34 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I was clipping my abnormally thick toenails. I had to apply so much pressure on the clippers that a nail flew off, hit me in the eyeball and scratched my cornea. The doctor nearly fell off his chair laughing during my eye exam after I told him what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 441
You deserved it 2 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments


corky1992 33

That's unfortunate, but I agree it's pretty funny lol.

I think your toe nail just became a master of karate

Don't feel bad; as medical professionals we hear way more ridiculous stories than that... He'll forget about you tomorrow when a patient comes in with something up their butt

Lol my dad definitely did that once when I was a kid. Sorry OP.

I would've paid to watch that hapoen lmao. FYL

uchihadesendent 14

You're the type of person that thinks suing solves everything aren't you? It's called a sense of humor.

Fyl op. I hope you didn't injure your eyeball. A friend of mine injured his and it scarred. Now there's a spot on his eye that he always sees.

uchihadesendent 14

I have to admit this is funny until you're the one getting hurt hope you're ok OP.