By Anonymous - 06/02/2016 01:34 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I was clipping my abnormally thick toenails. I had to apply so much pressure on the clippers that a nail flew off, hit me in the eyeball and scratched my cornea. The doctor nearly fell off his chair laughing during my eye exam after I told him what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 441
You deserved it 2 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your doctor toetally didn't expect to hear that!

This joke might be too cornea for some of you...but as long as I nail it you'll still laugh. Shit, I forgot the joke...

Sathane 21

I use a Dremel tool to sand mine down. I've broken many high end tail trimmers trying to cut them. like, literally bent and broken steel.

Ouch. Next time, if it's not too expensive for you, spring for a professional pedicure.

I definitely agree with soaking nails before trimming, but also try a spring-loaded clipper. They're a pretty penny, but they are totally worth it.

Eye think you nailed your eye exam. I'm sorry guys, I'll just leave FML now.

babywearingmama 3

Next time wear some goggles as flying objects may occur! FYL

This sounds like you may have toenail fungus OP. I am sorry and I hope you feel better soon..

The doctor may have laughed... But I cringed when I read this.