By hnickell93 - 09/10/2012 01:55 - United States - Visalia

Today, I was consoling my drunk husband as he violently emptied his stomach contents into our toilet. One particular retch made me nauseous, and I vomited all down his back, causing him to turn his head and vomit all over the wall. I got to clean it all up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 746
You deserved it 5 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't help but get a flashback of the horrific 2girls1cup video...

unknown_user5566 26

This immediately reminded me of the Family Guy episode where Peter, Chris, Brian and Stewie are trying to outlast one another after drinking some weird medicine. It was disgusting as a cartoon, so I can only imagine how horrific it was in real life. FYL indeed, OP.


DocBastard would not approve of this FML

Yep, can't wait to see what his advice is. ;)

SApprentice 34

I see Noor's vomit orgies are catching on.

Steel_BZ 8

Sounds like an episode of Family Guy!

That gag reflex is a bitch. A baby's diaper makes me hurl but a 5 day old corpse does nothing.

Does this remind anyone of that one episode of Family Guy?

lovebeecharmer 6

Just threw up all over the cat