By jimbop - 23/05/2009 17:48 - Canada

Today, I was cuddling in bed with my girlfriend after a night of heavy drinking. She rolled towards me, looked me in the eyes and sweetly said, "I love you". Her morning breath was so bad that I had to jump up and rush to the bathroom to vomit, leaving a trail along the way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 925
You deserved it 10 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bonafidehustler 0

Yeah, this would definitely be way funnier from her perspective.

Eh, I wanted to throw up before from smelling someone's bad breath. But also, if you were both drinking the night before, throwing up in the morning isn't that difficult to do. Anything could've pushed you over, whether it'd be breakfast, noise, or your girlfriend's breath. Now, if you hadn't been drinking, then... FYL. There's a difference.


No doubt she got it from the bj she gave you before bed.

how could morning breath be THAT bad --- weak stomach?

jorgitooo 0

Maybe you were just hung over.

Rauron 0

I'm going to agree with number 7. Anytime you kiss anybody your going to remember this.

XxHeartBrokenxX 0

Wow... You vomit easy.. Why would you do that to your gf too? YDI Be glad you have a gf.

Luneth101 0

Yeah, drinking does that to ya'. Both the bad breath and the vomiting. For all you know, you were gonna vomit anyway.

wanagetjagked 0

Suckish, every time you kiss her, this moment will come up in your mind.