By blahpizzablah - 22/06/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was delivering pizzas for my summer job. I got a big order to deliver for a fellow graduate's party. While I was being paid for the order my friend shows up and says "Don't pay him, his parents are rich, he can handle it." Then they shut the door and took off. The bill was $75. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 612
You deserved it 3 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you say, "My parents are rich because they're hookers, and your momma is their best customer. Pay up."

thats when you go in there and take back the pizza


meriadoc2 0

Just becuz your parents are rich doesnt mean you have their fortune in your pocket right at that moment

ziqi92 0

sounds like the girl that dumped my friend a few weeks ago. she called him spoiled cuz he was a rich kid and spent $350+ on her. where did that money come from? that was his entire salary from 6 months of work at kmart. yeah, that sucks, so called friends (in his case, a gf of a year) taking advantage of ur money...

I'm gonna vote YDI only because I assume you did nothing to fix this. If you did, my apologies, FYL, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you didn't have the balls to take any kind of legal action (call the cops, etc).

TryToBeKind 0

You get tips, right? There you go, you can handle it. Consider it a graduation present and get over it. I'm joking, that's really rude that they wouln't pay and I know it's hard to demand payment from someone. esp since pizza delivery people have a dangerous job (mugging etc.) Also, if people don't pay, you can't MAKE them do it. I mean: if I demanded you do 100 jumping jacks, would you do it? Likely not, same goes for why someone wouldn't pay if they didn't want to. I hope you reported it to management and I hope they didn't make YOU pay for it just b/c the brats wouldn't listen to you

You should have knocked on the door, taken the pizza back, and told him/her "You don't need pizza. Your parents have a house, you probably have food stocked up" and ******* bounced. Ok that's just my anger speaking... but it sounds like you had to foot the bill in the end and that's totally unfair. FYL.

What a ******* prick. I hope you got them to pay somehow.

Your friend is a douchebag. Set his house on fire.

This is why I won't get a job as a delivery driver. However, you could have called the police and waited for them to arrive. See how your ******* "friend" likes a permanent criminal record for trying to dick you over for $75 in pizzas.


just call your employer and then the cops....duh. its not your bill. you held up your end of the bargain.

killabee 0

You should've just knocked again,.. no answer? Call the cops. NO WAY should you have paid the bill. If you did YDI. (after you got off work you should've crashed the party, kicked him right in the balls, and took a shit on his porch.)