By blahpizzablah - 22/06/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was delivering pizzas for my summer job. I got a big order to deliver for a fellow graduate's party. While I was being paid for the order my friend shows up and says "Don't pay him, his parents are rich, he can handle it." Then they shut the door and took off. The bill was $75. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 612
You deserved it 3 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you say, "My parents are rich because they're hookers, and your momma is their best customer. Pay up."

thats when you go in there and take back the pizza


Tl_Foxed 0

tell the employer, right to refuse service extends to deliveries I think. Then again, I seee this same 'friend' pinning this on you with a 'we paid,, he must've stolen the money!' tread lightly, but don't let this asshole gget away with it.

people are like that to me to =.= FYL I know how you feel, bud. :(

Call the cops. Seriously, he isn't a "friend."

You have the address, report them to the police for theft.

I don't see how he deserves it because his parents are rich. My friend's parents are rich but that doesn't stop him from having a job and being one of the best students in school.

DeadxManxWalking 27

You just stood there and did nothing?! you should of took the the pizza back and punched your "friend" in the ******* face, pussy.

Lexiloulynn 2

That was in an American pie film