By Anonymous - 26/01/2011 14:41 - United States

Today, I was denied food stamp assistance. Apparently, you need to work 20 hours a week while being a full time student to qualify or have a work study. I was recently suspended from my work study for calling off because my aunt died, and if I worked 20 hours a week, why would I need food stamps? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 145
You deserved it 5 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ejejeje 0

seriously. our economy is backwards. why the **** would you apply for assistance when you don't ******* need it.

SirRager 9

Hooray for health care! This is why I'm moving to Canada.


perdix 29

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I worked 3 jobs concurrently to make ends meet when I was in university. Work, it'll do you some good.

sublime420 11

People like you seriously ******* piss me off. You take up three jobs and i can't even find one? **** you.

maybe if you weren't always high and naked during your interviews you'd actually get the job...

Some of us are very motivated to find work. I put out applications every week, go to the places in person and inquire about the status of my application and possible interview, and still get nothing. The managers always tell me that they are looking for someone with more experience. It's entirely frustrating. I live in Florida, where unemployment is at 12%, and many people who have been laid off are out there applying for the same jobs I am just to have something. Things aren't just so black and white, and you can't assume that people don't have jobs just because they aren't motivated or aren't trying.

sublime420 11

Let's put it simply: I do not have a job. This person has three. One of those jobs could be mine, and maybe yet another could go to someone in a situation similar to mine. How do I not have the right to be angry at this selfish asshole?

If you can't find a job it's because you're being picky. A friend of mine moved to the same city I just moved to last year and it took her months to find a job because she (perhaps even subconsciously) was picky about where she applied. I got a job within 2 weeks of moving here after applying to a call center. If you drop your standards a little you'll get a job. =/ Shit job > not eating.

To put it simply, your comprehension skills could use some work. Having three jobs concurrently WHILE (past tense) at university is not today.

sublime420 11

Wow, think I don't ****** know that? It's people LIKE her, currently keeping me out. But seeing as that was the only thing you could point out, you obviously don't have a rebuttal to the "dick with three jobs vs. person with one"

Really in this economy you think there are people with three jobs keeping you from getting one? How dumb can you be. If there are it just means they are better suited for the job anyways, otherwise you would have one.

sublime420 11

I'm saying they're working three shit jobs, while I could have just ONE of them, if they weren't so selfish.

If u pay attention they said worked, as in past tense.. They did what they had to do to get by. Would u rather have them work 3 jobs or be on welfare??? Think about it asshole..

sublime420 11

You stupid *****, YES I am aware it's past tense. But people like her are who I'm talking about. Sure, those three jobs may help THEM, but that leaves other people out. As in, people, such as myself, with no job, while these assholes take up three, and I have no cash.

MuchDance90s 0

OMG you are all idiots. Not one of you knows the pay or hours of the three jobs. They could have been 8-10 hours each, at minimum wage or something. Also, if a person applies for a job and gets it, they deserve it until they **** up and get fired.

#119 I have to agree with u.. No one knows for sure, but more power to them for holding down 3 jobs when needed.. Years back my sister had to work 3 jobs at a time to take care of my niece and go to school. It's not their fault that they are more driven to work then some.

sublime420 11

Nor do any of you know MY situation. Maybe i needed one of those jobs more than her. Ever think of that?

sammieshortcake 15

Maybe if you got off your ass and stopped bitching at people who are trying to take care of themselves financially and went out and put some of that energy into getting a job you'd have one. Seriously, your comments are ridiculous! Calling someone selfish for taking care of themselves and working their asses of when need be. Shame on you.

it's every simple get a job. If your going to college than you really don't need food stamps. Stop complaining that the government won't help your lazy ass.

That doesn't make any damn sense. How would OP going to college make it so they don't need food stamps? We don't know if he/she lives on campus, and do you think that food is free? Paying for student loans after you graduate is a bitch, especially when there are so few jobs and so many college grads. When I started college there were jobs galore. When I graduated, I was stuck with a shitty $10/hr job and 30k in student loans. This entire comment section makes me lose faith in American primary schools. Most people don't have any working knowledge of their government; they just whine when they hear someone is trying to get assistance. I guarantee if you lost your job today, your ass would make a beeline straight to the unemployment office.

20 hours a week isn't even that much... that's only about 2.8 hours a day :/ Seriously?

That's also four 5-hour days. And if you're in school full time, trying to keep up your grades in order to keep up whatever scholarships you have, that's still a lot of work. Let's do the math, and for simplicity's sake they're enrolled in 5 one-hour classes: 5 classes 3 times a week = 15 hours in class 3 hours of studying/homework per class, per week (what is "recommended") = 15 hours of studying 20 hours at a part time job That's 50 hours a week. I was working 30 hours a week taking six classes (two of which were three hour long classes) and it about killed me.

How is 50 hours/week for all of that a lot? That averages to 7hours/day (7 day weeks) or 10hours/day (5 day weeks). If you wake up at 10am and finish all that at 8pm, there's still plenty of time to relax and do nothing.

MuchDance90s 0

there are people who have children and a home AND go to school and work you all need to STFU

When do you sleep though? And realistically speaking, students in real degrees do more study than that.

ehh suck it up. Go get a job and stop expecting everyone to pay for your food. God some people are lazy.

welderchick87 0

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find just ONE job today? It's ******* hard. I've been trying to find a job for almost 2 years....It's not that people are's that there are a million other people out there that have been laid off or fired because of this ****** up economy and are applying for the same jobs that I am, and the employers are looking for specific things in who they hire and some people are more qualified for said jobs. So it's NOT that we're's the millions of other people trying to find jobs as well you fucktard.

TheDrifter 23

Perhaps swallow your pride and accept a pay cut or a job in a different field. I drive past help wanted signs all day everyday, all over the continent. If you weren't so damned snooty you would have a job, but hey, these days it's better for your image to sit on welfare and bitch about the economy isn't it?'s no wonder why you havnt gotten a job. your the typical lazy basterd that whines on FML about "how hard it is" an "cut us some slack" while you sit on your ass all day an possibly browse on craigslist for 5min an decide no job on there is what you'd want to do so you turn on the tube an stuff your face. :) no excuse.

I find if fascinating how people are telling people to just get more jobs. Did it ever occur to you that most people can't even land ONE job? What makes you think they can get three? Or that they can make the work schedules stack? Bosses aren't very nice anymore about schedules.

xoxchelaxox08 17

Why would bosses waste their time trying to make schedules fit for people with more than one job when they could more easily hire someone else who wouldn't have scheduling issues?

I hate it when people bitch about students being on food stamps. I am a full time student;I also have a federally funded work study and yes, I am on food stamps. Why am I on food stamps? Because I can't ******* afford food and school at the same time. No, that doesn't mean there's the option of just getting a full time job or having three jobs--I'd never get through school if I did that. I'm going to school and focusing on school so I can get a good job and then never be on food stamps again. College students are poor, and I hate that people seem to think we should just starve through school or live solely on Ramen and Mac and Cheese. That isn't conducive to anything productive. I don't eat fantastically, but I manage to not be malnourished. Do some students disrespect the idea of food stamps? Yes, there are lots of people who don't really need them but take them anyways because it's so-called "free" money. Those people are idiots and there should be more regulations in place to weed them out.

maronofhearts 19

If you think working 20 hours a week will be enough to pay bills and food you should be a full time student because obviously you know nothing about life or being on your own. And the reason you need to work to get them is so every person who just wants to sit home and eat off the rest of us can't, though a lot of people do abuse the system it is set up in a way to try and limit that even though we all know its not very effective thats not the point here. The point is maybe spend less time here and more time doing something productive so you can get those food stamps or get to a point where you dont need them.

welderchick87 0

I hate this economy. Me and my bf were BOTH laid off, and we were looking for help, mostly to get heating oil for winter...and we got denied because apparently we made too much while on unemployment for ANY kind of help. Kinda pissed us off...cuz basically that says 'You need to be living in a cardboard box to get help' And that's bullshit. I've been laid off for almost 2 years, and have yet to find anybody that will hire me. It's usually that they're looking for more experience. My question is...How exactly am I supposed to get experience of any kind if you won't hire me? Just doesn't make sense.

That's a problem a lot of darlings at having. It traps them in an endless cycle. And if it's not enough experience, it's too much or you're over-qualified.

welderchick87 0

Exactly. And my big problem is...I've only had two kinds of jobs, some lame grocery store, and welding. I have no other experience, and that's hurting me. But I can't help that. A family friend got me into welding, and that's all I got. I'm capable of doing other things, but people just won't give me a chance and it's ******* pissing me off. I've tried fast food, desk jobs, fabrication/shop jobs...department stores...basically anywhere that's 'hiring' yet I get nothing because 'I have no experience.' >.<

I can't believe you need experience for fast food or retail...

welderchick87 0

Guess it's because I'm not some idiot high school kid.

SirEBC 7
sublime420 11

Perhaps you should have gone to college.

Perhaps not everyone gets paid into college by Mommy and Daddy and don't wanna be up to their eyeballs in student debt before they're even old enough to drink!~

welderchick87 0

Going to college doesn't guarantee a job, genius. I couldn't afford it anyways being that my family isn't super rich like some people. I had no idea what I would go for anyways. Plus, half the classes are a waste of time and are not needed for the major and will never be used in the future. Hell, there's shit in high school that was taught that I'll never use. And to Mirobo...You're right, I wouldn't wanna be paying off student loans till I'm 30 years old. That's what happened to my bf...he's 31 and STILL paying off his loans and he was outta school in 2000.

SirEBC 7

The "idiot" comment was not to be taken seriously. Not everyone who goes to college is getting it paid for by "Mommy and Daddy," and not everyone who goes to college is "up to their eyeballs" in debt by the time they can drink.

sublime420 11

Real nice hating on people just because their parents are able to pay for their education. As for college not guaranteeing a job, maybe it doesn't. But not going will ensure you're stuck in a shit job with no hope for advancement. People think "Oh, those idiots going to college, paying all that money. I'm right out of high school, and I'm already making money!" don't realize that they'll be making the same amount of money the rest of their lives.

twinny_sc 13

Yes, it us true that half the classes don't count towards your major but they are called general education classes for a reason. it's stuff every person should know. Also for some one not knowing what they want to do, taking one art class may make that person realize they love art and would like to major in it. (Since you are unsure maybe you should take a few courses.) Also there are tons of grants, scholarships, and financial aid for someone who does not have a family who is well off financially. I know, because I am in that position.

xoxchelaxox08 17

I've applied at 7 fast food places, and not ONE would even consider an interview because I had no experience. Thankfully I was able to find a better job. On the subject of college, I was unable to go simply because my parents refused to give their tax information for me to get financial aid. it still pisses me off, and I would LOVE to go to college, but until I can be an "independent" student or find a co-signor for a private loan, I'm screwed.

**** free hand.outs. I bet youre a dirty ******. get a ******* job. you're the reason our economy is totally ******.