By Anonymous - 26/01/2011 14:41 - United States

Today, I was denied food stamp assistance. Apparently, you need to work 20 hours a week while being a full time student to qualify or have a work study. I was recently suspended from my work study for calling off because my aunt died, and if I worked 20 hours a week, why would I need food stamps? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 145
You deserved it 5 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ejejeje 0

seriously. our economy is backwards. why the **** would you apply for assistance when you don't ******* need it.

SirRager 9

Hooray for health care! This is why I'm moving to Canada.


Hi OP! In NY, you can get food stamps if you work less than 20 hours a week at a federal work-study job. If you qualify, get a work-study instead of a regular job, and you can get benefits.

sadixon 0

Sorry to hear about your aunt. Big hug. You'll get through this.

RKD 23

Op, your story is case in point of how bassackwards the welfare system is. If you get a job, they cut your stamps. If you want stamps, you have to lose your job first. The system punishes initiative! Anyway, op, there should be a way you can appeal, if you have to you may have to eat a little crow and go to some food banks for help. See if there is a Catholic Charities or Salavation Army that can provide you with food until you figure something out. Good luck to you!

YDI food stamps are SUPPOSED to be for people down on their luck and in a bad way. Not for students who dont feel like sucking it up and working more. I'm a full-time student, full-time worker and a parent. learn some responsibility.

chasontl 0

YEP! I was turned down also. The system does not work in our favor apparently. I bet if we were crack heads with "dependent" children we would qualify. Its rather disgusting how the system works. Luckily I only have nine more months of clinical's an I'll be through and I won't need any help.

pyrogirl6622 0

that is the way the government is. I seen some one on the phone bragging about her new lexis that she paid in full with cash, d&g bag, and 4 food stamp cards in her channel cultch. that is how it work and it sucks ass big time.

RawrSickle 2

well you can afford your ******* Internet. use that money.

Um, I've had foodstamps for moe than a year now, and I do not meet either of those criteria. OP, something tells me you misunderstood something. Either that, or the people dealing with that stuff where you live are complete idiots.

Scum bag, provide for yourself, dont have tax payers around you do it and then decide the system's flaud. Enjoy your free shit given to you by hard workers around you

Anitsisqua 0

I'm a full-time student and work two jobs. I feel absolutely no pity for you.

than work 20 hours a week asshole! I'm 17 and I work more than 20 hours a week!!!!