By Anonymous - 26/01/2011 14:41 - United States

Today, I was denied food stamp assistance. Apparently, you need to work 20 hours a week while being a full time student to qualify or have a work study. I was recently suspended from my work study for calling off because my aunt died, and if I worked 20 hours a week, why would I need food stamps? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 145
You deserved it 5 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ejejeje 0

seriously. our economy is backwards. why the **** would you apply for assistance when you don't ******* need it.

SirRager 9

Hooray for health care! This is why I'm moving to Canada.


This is why I'm going into the military, there's no way I'd be able to go to college otherwise.

that same shit happened to me bro it's stupid government screws u every way possible

because 20 hours a week is barely anything at all... lol...

ejd131 0

I am a full time college student and also have a job and I receive food stamp assistance... I obviously work at least 20 hours a week which is not nearly enough to pay for all of my bills and food. I was having to work over 30 last semester before I received assistance and my grades suffered for it. anyone who bitches about people getting food stamps needs to stfu until they have a clue what they're talking about. some people really need it. on the other hand, op, it's not difficult to work 20 hours a week while in school. if you can't do that you shouldn't be receiving money from anyone

Sammansix 3
talktomandybaby 8 sorry.that really really sucks that Obama is a suckish President.. even if the economy was screwed up before Obama...he isnt fixing everyone can stfu if your are giving OP shit about not having money or cant apply for foodstamps. sooo like really? k?kayyyy.thank youuu...and rude commenters stfu!have a great day!(:

Get the f off the internet if you can't afford food?

Agreed. I half of my friends paid for college themselves by working fast-food in highschool and waitering during college. If you know you're going to have trouble paying for school, why didn't you plan ahead? Or take a major where you can do internships in your field of study. Money you save from internships should definitely help pay off college. For the people who can't find jobs now, I know it's very situational, but I can't help but find it hard to believe that you can't find jobs. I'm curious, but is it your fault for not being able to find a job? Did you drop out of highschool, or take a college degree that you knew could get you nowhere (like English), or are you just being picky?

Yea poor thing I work 60 hours a week and am still hardly getting by. If you worked 20 hours a week you'd still need a lot of help.

Depending on what kind of job/pay you have, 20hrs/week is NOT enough to live on. At all.

sallen0046 4

Wait, you legitimately thought that you got to receive government assistance for going to school part time? If you're not a full time student, you have time to work. Look for a new job. If going to school only part time is too demanding, you need to back down the number of classes you're taking even further. You're not a child, you need to learn how to manage your time so you can get an education and support yourself.

OP said she studies full time, your comment is wrong.