By Anonymous - 07/06/2014 05:15 - United States - Charlotte
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 05/07/2016 19:46
By Anonymous - 30/07/2015 02:25 - United States - Tampa
By Anonymous - 16/02/2014 17:22 - United Kingdom - Cambridge
Don't mess with Texas
By Anonymous - 17/10/2013 21:36 - United States - College Station
By SimpleSwimmer - 04/10/2011 16:18 - United States
One law for me…
By Anonymous - 21/12/2020 11:02 - Australia
By The Dishwasher - 07/06/2017 15:00 - Canada - Guelph
Get out
By F.U. QFN - 28/03/2021 00:29
By BohGlam - 01/12/2016 20:30
By hangman - 01/08/2013 18:25 - United Kingdom - London
Top comments
Morticians? Divorce lawyers? Sexual assault social workers? Great, now I've gone and depressed myself. Maybe OP should smile and cheer me up or something.
You would be surprised, Doc. We funeral people are usually laughing and happy.
had no an idea dishwashers could smile or even use the internet
same lmao
Specially when you collect the outrageous funeral fees!! #35
Start smiling like the people from the purge.
Maybe they just like seeing their workers show happiness while in the work place.
Don't worry, be happy now!
if only it were that easy!
Smile the shit out of your face while you wash the shit out of those dishes like no one else!
When I first read it, I imagined OP as a machine that washes dishes in homes. Right after I realised the real job he has....
It's harder than you think. - sponge
31, Maybe he's the Maytag guy in the commercial
My boss told me the same thing, but she followed it up with a "people might think you don't wanna be here" after a very sarcastic "really" I got written up.
Freaking fantastic comeback. Good job.
Great boss you have, OP.
got this all the time when I was a dishwasher, granted I was hungover half the time as it was weekends only. you couldn't get me to smile unless you made me food haha
It's always a good idea to show up to work hungover -.-"
it was dishwashing, not like it required much thought to perform my duties. When the cooks were still drunk at 5am I dont think a headache warrants any cause for judgment among the staff.
Some of the best cooks I know are alcoholics. Dudes taking swigs of rum and brandy the whole day while cooking.
That Cajun cook guy they used to show on PBS had to be pretty drunk when cooking.
cdawg who are you talking to?
It's hard to he happy in your work .
some people have jobs they enjoy. such as childcare, being a chef, helping others. im sure plenty of people like those jobs
I your boss by chance, a sadist?
Do you even know what a sadist is?
If OPs boss was a sadist he would want him to frown more
Well you can make the best of it. It's better than no job. I was a dishwasher for 5 years when I went to school. Not the most fun job in the world.
Workin at the plate wash! Workin at the plate wash, yeah! C'MON Y'ALL AND SING IT

Smile the shit out of your face while you wash the shit out of those dishes like no one else!
Your boss is an idiot!