By Anonymous - 07/06/2014 05:15 - United States - Charlotte

Today, I was disciplined by my boss for "not smiling enough." I'm a dishwasher. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 405
You deserved it 4 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Indianboy9321 25

Smile the shit out of your face while you wash the shit out of those dishes like no one else!

MAD01502 20


It looks like some of this dishes are sad and when delivered the meal is sad and then the customer gets sad complains to the waiter or waitress and they talk to the manager and they get sad and to end it off the waiter or waitress is sad due to a low's all on you OP... Smiles are contagious if you are smiling while washing dishes a bit more it might pass on to a co worker whom isn't having a very good day

the other day my manager was trying to get me in trouble for something that someone else did while I was gone on break.

Oh, FFS. I HATE people like OP's boss. OP gets paid to WASH DISHES, not to fill everyone's life with joy. Keep on frowning, OP, and save that smile for when you really mean it!

Smile as if you are a lunatic whenever your boss is around. He'll regret it muhahahah

I had a boss like that! I would be rolling silverware in the back of the restaurant, where no one could see me, and he would come back there and yell at me if I wasn't smiling.

daydreamer244 13

I swear, some bosses just try so hard to be dicks.

I worked the service bar in a kitchen of a restaurant, making drinks for the majority of our customers and never seeing any face except my co-workers for six to fourteen hours a day. My boss did the same thing.

When no one is looking take a piss in the dishes. Happy now. Okay then, smile. (:

at first I thought u were the actual machine lol .

Be annoyingly cheerful at all times around your boss. He'll eventually get sick of it and leave you alone.