By nooneatall - 15/01/2010 03:16 - France

Today, I was doing a shit load of sit-ups on my mattress. After realizing the bed was squeaking, I heard my dad laughing very hard from the basement. He thought I was masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 960
You deserved it 20 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats soo freaken funny *wipes a tear* but try doing your situps on the floor using the mattress for that springy bounce back is totally cheating your muscles arent working at all.


saki84 0

u workout on a mattres? let me guess then u must sleep on the floor

I doubt u were accually doing pull ups on a bed but if so y

cabanaboyjuan 6

wow u idiot u can't get abs by doin sit-ups on a matress come on now

haha thats what the floor is for dipshit!

brun12 1

Why the hell would you do sit ups on your bed?

I think I just pissed my pants laughing at this!

lambsbreath 7

Who does sit ups on their bed