By TheFlash - 22/06/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I was down at Disney World. Me and my buddy decided to take our pictures in a photobooth. While in the tiny space, I thought it'd be funny to flash the camera. A women barged in as soon as I did so, screaming "You know there's an outside video feed, right!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 387
You deserved it 65 575

Same thing different taste



I've been to disney like 7 times ..where is this photo booth.. Ya know? Just in case another incident like this happens ;)

LOL similar experience...Me and my ex-bf decided to take some pics in one. Took one of him sucking my **** and one where it looked like i was sucking his dick. We walked out of the booth thinking we were so funny when a group of people started clapping for us, and told us about the outside screen. I turned so red!

I didn't get it at first either, and I'm a native English speaker. I just never heard the term being used like that. I always heard it being used like "She flashed her rear at the camera" and not just "She flashed the camera." Because of this I didn't get at all, and I knew that there must have been something I was missing, therefore I read the comments to see what this person really meant, THEN I commented. You see, this is my way of being an idiot without looking like an idiot ^_^ As Abraham Lincoln once said, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt."

That happened to me at a sea world I was with my old bf and we were making out and I realized when I walked out there was that video there and his dad was waiting for us outside...... Oops!

alibi2277439 0

she was just dying to see you naked. (;

TicTacAddict 0

I actually think that the lady was just letting you know, so that you didn't do any other crazy things. Some people are just trying to help. I feel bad for you, that had to have been one embarrasing moment.

so u guys thing people should be allied towalk around outside nude??? Alright!!!