By anonymous - 27/12/2011 22:32 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I saw the woman in the car in front of me throw something out the window. Only when it landed on my windshield did I realize what it was. A bloody tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 479
You deserved it 2 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You could use that as an excuse, say it covered your vision and you "accidentally" ran her car off the road and made her a paraplegic.


omg woow women just get nastier day by day

G0v3nat0r 7
ellybelly_502 4

Haha 40 :) thats like Stewie from family guy! HA!

quinnbar 6

so the woman was changing her tampon in the car....she either has skill or is a wackjob.

milkndstufff 7
randomchick15 0

90 points if she puts inserts her diaphragm while driving.

dancersinger124 7

I think a bloody tampon is worse then a used condom. :/

jessesgirl14 16

That driver is probably related to the chic who changed her tampon in the movie theater, smh

jaredjudd21 2

I like how simple it is to get a hundred likes by saying one word :p

Wasn't it a pad o.o? Bah, who cares, still disgusting -_-

Can you read???? It clearly says, "TAMPON"!!!!!!!

lavaheead9 2

that is so nasty why would a qoman do thar it us a discrace to woman everywere

Save the earth! Flip it over and reuse!

9- Sorry, Al Gore hacked my FML account, don't look at me.

mom2pen 4

You can't "flip over" a tampon, it is a cotton like plug inserted into a vjayjay to absorb the blood. The entire thing would be soaked in blood. You are thinking of a sanitary napkin which has a protective barrier on the "flip side" to prevent leaking through onto the panties that they are attached to.

monkeysareyummy 0
mom2pen 4

I realize that, "flipping it over" was an ignorant statement that made no sense.

sinking_fish 12

78- I've been using tampons for years and your explanation just turned my stomach-.-


*Eric Cartman's voice* "You shouldn't have done that, he's just a boy. Poor lil feller."

I feel it makes more sense in Butters' voice. But that's just me...

pinkzilla0 8

its a direct quote from cartman in the towlie episode where he bribes stans mom into buying an okama game sphere because he found a bloody tampon in the bathroom trash and thought it was an aborted fetus

LaColombianita 26

That's freakin nasty. Who does that..

PhoenixMuffin 12

Yum: Y-ou're U-tterly M-istaking My comment was obviously a joke. Why would anyone like a bloody tampon? The fact that you thought I would kind of disturbs me.

Crazy people these days... Him and comment 4 are obviously short a stick.

amberstarr89 5