By wtfson - 13/12/2010 07:35

Today, I was driving my family home, when my 7 year old son had to pee. Having long since passed any rest stops, I made him use a bottle. Once he was done, he grenaded the bottle out the window, hitting someone's windshield dead on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 339
You deserved it 34 846

wtfson tells us more.

To everyone asking, how could I have possibly prepared for this? I can't just teach my son not to through pee bottles and other things out the window. That will give him ideas... But rest assured, no more "grenades" will be tossed :)

Top comments

perdix 29

I'll bet the other driver was pissed!


glitchedgamer 0

Frag out! Tossing sticky! Popping smoke!

Today, I was driving down the interstate when a bottle of pee hit my windshield and opened. FML

make all the jokes you want but this is very important stuff you cant teach life lessons like this whether or not you were mad you know you were also proud future president right there

You could've just pulled over.... unless you're driving through a blizzard or something like that, you really have no excuse. Sorry OP, YDI.

cutiekenz21 0

you deserve it for making him pee in a bottle at least behind a bush would have been better