By wtfson - 13/12/2010 07:35

Today, I was driving my family home, when my 7 year old son had to pee. Having long since passed any rest stops, I made him use a bottle. Once he was done, he grenaded the bottle out the window, hitting someone's windshield dead on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 339
You deserved it 34 846

wtfson tells us more.

To everyone asking, how could I have possibly prepared for this? I can't just teach my son not to through pee bottles and other things out the window. That will give him ideas... But rest assured, no more "grenades" will be tossed :)

Top comments

perdix 29

I'll bet the other driver was pissed!


Not in your wildest dreams, pal. Trust me, I've come to know the mods' wants and desires, and you don't fit the bill, my man. Sirin prefers smart people, Bee is more kinky, Quite_Insane is, well, quite insane and prefers his dudes as chicks, Rachel is way too smart for you, and Alan wouldn't look your way. Trust me, I've tried them all. Sure, it's the thrill of the chase and the ultimate conquest, but you need to give up and move on. May I suggest a prostitute instead? They cost more but carry fewer diseases.

Actually Doc, if they want it, then they're clearly not my type. Screaming rape is a prerequisite.

Oh, hi QI and Sirin. Um, how long have you been standing right behind me? I, um...what? What! Sorry, someone's calling me. Gotta go... *moves to Ecuador*

wwerulez14 6

Question: What happens when the mods get together for a sex orgy? Is the guest gang-raped, then eaten? My theory is: Sirin begins the gang-rape, the others mods join in, and after that's done, Quite_Insane grabs the meat cleaver and makes human bacon.... And also regular bacon, seeing as how some of the mods might not be full cannibals yet. Am I on the right track?

you let him pee in a bottle in the car, with your family?? YDI and also, what else is he supposed to do? keep it in the car?? and it was probably an accident that he hit another car in the first place!

Parenting WIN!!!! I hope my kid does this some day!!!

you are an idiot and a bad influence on your kid

Grenada! you've got a Spetsnaz in the making my friend...

sourgirl101 28

Remember the good old days of peeing in a bush?

no what he really said was "tactical nuke inbound" made a boom sound turned around and smiled to hiself saying good work boys lets go home