By wtfson - 13/12/2010 07:35

Today, I was driving my family home, when my 7 year old son had to pee. Having long since passed any rest stops, I made him use a bottle. Once he was done, he grenaded the bottle out the window, hitting someone's windshield dead on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 339
You deserved it 34 846

wtfson tells us more.

To everyone asking, how could I have possibly prepared for this? I can't just teach my son not to through pee bottles and other things out the window. That will give him ideas... But rest assured, no more "grenades" will be tossed :)

Top comments

perdix 29

I'll bet the other driver was pissed!


gamer_fur_life 0
lksdliz 9

STUPID!!! That's one of the handy things about having a little boy, they LOVE to pee outside! Pull the hell over and let him spray away!

IAmScrewedd 0

I'm waiting for someone to post this FML: "Today, I was driving on the highway when a bottle of pee hit my car window. FML."

notsofriendly 17

HAHAHA gotta agree with everyone who's asked why not just let him pee outside, though

OP, your IP is being tracked, I will soon send the death goons to your house, who will in turn pee on your living room carpet.

Or any other carpet which really seems to tie the room together.

YDI. I understand giving him the bottle to pee in, but not immediately taking it away from him... well that's why YDI.

megaswamp 0
OrientlSoldr 0

Your son has the potential of being quite awesome growing up.