By travinator121611 - 16/08/2009 16:32 - United States

Today, I was driving on the freeway and there was a dead animal (I think a cat) in the road. The car in front of me decided to merge over. It kicked up part of the dead animal and sent it flying through my open window. I think I got hit in the face with a piece of foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 476
You deserved it 4 086

travinator121611 tells us more.

travinator121611 0

I drive a 1974 VW Super Beetle...I HAVE NO AIR CONDITIONING!!! So my windows + the window wings are open to draw air in. The SUV hit it right (obviously) cause it hit my window and came through my side wing window. So GROSS...but it didnt stink or anything.

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

Yummy. Roadkill pussy, anyone?

travinator121611 0

it was an old road kill...but i didnt expect it!!!



################################## 1 ################################## suck it bitches

l think the allergy-cat and the kockblock-kitty had a baby, but they hated it, so they put it in the road.

LOL number 36 i think so too but they could've just put it to sleep

lucky foot, could have been guts instead.

ChildrenOfFilth 12

Better make sure it didn't scratch you or anything if you don't want a disease!

sam296 0

Sounds totally fake to me. What, are you driving without a windshield?

evlbb2 2

Well, its not driving with window down, Its the actual flying cat bits that surprises me. Im not too sure ive ever seen pieces go flying when something dead and on the ground is run over?

ghostgirll 0

I totally agree, if something were to go flying up from someone's tires, it would go backwards, not sideways. there's no way it would have hit him

#45, you are a MORON! Why would the fact that the window was open be what made this bullshit?? I drive all over the place with my windows open.. and that is including the highway! Not every car has air conditioning, and not everyone that does have is likes to use it.. I wouldn't even if I had it. I would MUCH rather have the fresh air from riding with the window down! The part that gets me though... how in the **** did a car that's in FRONT of you manage to fling ANYTHING into a SIDE window? If you had said it hit your windshield I might have bought it... but this whole drivers side thing is pretty much impossible. I call BS.

crazyghost7 0

YDI.... You should've had your window closed

Miss_Mar 0
clarebear_xo 5

I literally laughed out loud at this. But I do feel sorry for you.