By Kimmiko - 04/06/2009 12:17 - Germany

Today, I was driving on the motorway when a cop car made me stop. It was a routine check and when they said "Have you been drinking?" of course I said no. To that, my 6 year old sitting in the back screamed "Yes she did! She's lying I saw her drink!" I had drunk a milkshake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 192
You deserved it 7 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jeremymg91 0

Sucks for you.. can't really punish her though.. I didn't understand that "drinking" was an alcohol term when I was younger either.

ladycoyote 0

Ah, children. Reason #8672 why I'll never have any. :)


lol, i cant believe people are taking this soo seriously. obviously they don't understand children. actually a pretty funny-cute story. hopefully you passed the breathlyzer thingy and it was all good

I almost did the same thing when I was younger. My parents always drink water and stuff when they're driving.

jasey_rae 0

you should teach your child some manners. really, your 6 year old thinks it's okay to just start screaming and interupt you? that is the real FML. oh and you might want to learn proper grammar so you teach your child how to speak & write properly so they aren't stupid as shit & annoying

**** you number 1, also I hope that the kid said it was a minlkshake

killuhb 0

Well yeah kids don't really understand. But this is common cause my sister is nine and freaks out when my grandma stays home and drinks beer. LOL

trojan124 0

Why is everyone saying the kid is cute? He/she sounds like a rude little bitch

heavenandhell 0
jdkfgkjdfb 0

I hope you pointed out to the cop that it was only a milkshake.