By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 21:14 - United States

Today, I was driving to work. I saw a cute boy in the car next to me. To try and look cool, I pretended I was talking on my cell phone. I got pulled over and got a ticket for using my cell phone while driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 238
You deserved it 70 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

Since when does talking on a cellphone look cool? YDI!

perdix 29

Picking your nose would have looked cooler -- because it's not illegal.


MasterOfTheXP 2

YDI 4 not being yourself. it's funny anyway

how would that be cool in the first place loser

muffinkitty 15

well, ur certainly didn't look cool getting a ticket!

alinka_fml 0

yes... because taking on the phone makes you 'look cool'. you must be still be a kid to think that.

even if you did impress him, who cares? he wasnt gonna pull over and give you his number! YDI...

I fail to understand why that makes you look cool?

HOW ON EARTH DOES TALKING ON THE PHONE MAKE YOU COOL????? Maybe take a gun out and wave it around, that'll look cooler

gatorgirl2669 6

All that to impress a guy.... How old are you?

littlebluepill 1

I am constantly amazed at the things people do thinking it makes them look cool! Here's a tip - if you have to pretend at something, you're probably not cool and no amount of trying is ever going to work for you.