By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 21:14 - United States

Today, I was driving to work. I saw a cute boy in the car next to me. To try and look cool, I pretended I was talking on my cell phone. I got pulled over and got a ticket for using my cell phone while driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 238
You deserved it 70 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

Since when does talking on a cellphone look cool? YDI!

perdix 29

Picking your nose would have looked cooler -- because it's not illegal.


WhyCantIDoRight 5
allisadawn91 8

Fight the ticket and show your bill that says you weren't using your phone

needsagf14 12

YDI. Just skip to the flirting next time. For the guys sake

How does talking on your cellphone make you look cool? Everyone has a cellphone these days and it never made anyone look cool. Ever.

That moment when you accidentally press the "I agree your life sucks" button... Wrong one

as stupid as it sounds and as much as ydi, everyone at some point has done something ridiculous to try and impress someone but maybe you should realize what is acctually cool and what's not hope you learned from it

Elisabetha Aarron 18

How does talking on your phone while driving meant to make you look cool?????