By Anonymous - 29/10/2009 21:14 - United States

Today, I was driving to work. I saw a cute boy in the car next to me. To try and look cool, I pretended I was talking on my cell phone. I got pulled over and got a ticket for using my cell phone while driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 238
You deserved it 70 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

Since when does talking on a cellphone look cool? YDI!

perdix 29

Picking your nose would have looked cooler -- because it's not illegal.


Talking on a cellphone doesn't make you look cool you ******* failure!

lisafannypack 0

it's not really THAT hard to decipher what tarynkd was trying to say. i don't think it's worth being a "grammar nazi" here because they were probably just typing fast and missed a couple words. CHILL people.

YDI for breaking the law and thinking having a cell phone makes you cool, what are you 12?

Cell phone? 0_0 I thought this was still 1980. I just wasted so much money getting a car phone installed in my new Pacer. Woe is me.

"To try and look cool..."= automatic YDI.

Talking on cellphones is no more distracting than loud music in a car, or a passenger talking to you. Don't ******* say it's different, because it is not. People just can't accept there are shitty drivers and that sometimes shit just happens. And for the people saying she deserves it for looking around. It's called paying attention to your surroundings. She didn't say she craned her neck to see him, but maybe he was caddy-corner on a highway. Not hard to notice the way someone looks when you're glancing at them before a lane change, or if you notice a turn signal. Driving itself is multitasking, and many people are capable of doing it while multitasking with other things. Texting I agree is risky, since it means your eyes are off the road. OP is a ******* idiot for thinking it makes her cool, but not for any of the driving "faults" people here are saying.

Yes, talking on your phone is different because you have to take one hand off the wheel, while when you are talking to a passenger, you have the ability to keep both hands on the wheel. Same for music.

Oh my GOD! I can't believe you ACTUALLY have a CELL PHONE! Fail.

oh I'm sorry but you ydi......but kudos to you for having the cajones to post this terribly sad scenario you created for yourself

Uhh what? That's just kind of ******* stupid. Who does that? Fail