By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


did you at least enjoy the jello goodness b4 u did the research?

I was pretty sure vegetarians didn't eat meat and vegans stayed away from anything that comes from animals at all. I know someone who just doesn't like the taste of meat so he's a vegetarian. I also know people that feel it's morally wrong and stay away from firs, meat, jello, or any other animal products. Maybe it's just personal.

Cjmw 7

Not anymore. Now, most gelatine, is made from seaweed extract.

wow, I can see you're really into the veggie thing. Really stupid of you.

omg i had jell-o shot's last weekend!! FML!

starberries 0

So you're either too stupid, or don't care enough, to research these things, and you expect people to feel sorry for you? If you didn't know a basic fact like that, which is actually common knowledge, you're probably consuming loads of animal products without realising it.

Vegetarians suck so bad. WTH would you wanna be a vegetarian? MAN UP.

that is emotional, I thought everyone knew that. :/