By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


that's what u get for being a hippy tree hugger

that's what u get for being a hippy tree hugger

"Jell-o isn't vegetarian?" "No. It's cow and pig bones, bitch!"

Constant_Sigh 0

@485 - Thanks for clearing that up. I doubt everyone would want to become a vegan or vegetarian though. I think we have resources for a reason, while vegetarians and vegans focus on few, omnivores seem to have more choices. Good luck to any vegetarians and don't end up like OP.

Glue comes from horses, you gonna give up the Elmer's & Scotch Tape? Do you know where leather comes from? How about your vaccines? Dumb ass vege-heads.

everyone makes mistakes. just consider it an accident, and don't feel too bad about it. (:

munkee_6669 0

I could so go for some veal right now

obviously it was good to you so be quiet and enjoy.

loriaking18 0

so your an idiot? you did not know that?

but you're not vegan so it's still cool. of course you could always just read the label and actually know about the life choice you made to get yourself laid