By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 21:47 - Canada

Today, I was eating Jell-O and was reading a fact website, when I read that gelatin is made from the collagen in cow or pig bones. I'm vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 529
You deserved it 68 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm guessing you haven't been a vegetarian too long. Any respectable vegetarian knows gelatin is made from animals. YDI

kellanlvr 1

I learned that in 2nd grade -___-


um thanks for telling us. don't say anymore!!

I never knew that, and now that's all I want to know

This will get moderated but.....there is no collagen in bones.

Sinkhole 26

Collagen type 1 is abundant in bones. Collagen gives bones elasticity :)

carlymac09 2

u didn't know that wowwww I knew that that's y I hate jello

lightning7 0

don't you read anything? when I became vegetarian i stopped eating that

va_is4lovers 4

how the heck does eating ground up bones qualify as not being a vegetarian

odds are pretty good that it doesn't use any bones. Jello probably has no natural ingredients at all