By dumped - 14/12/2011 23:00 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
It's a beautiful life
By Anonymous - 18/10/2022 16:00
By me - 18/05/2011 04:13
By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 01:54 - Australia - Stafford
By Anonymous - 26/06/2023 03:00
A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
By Anonymous - 08/08/2022 04:00 - Canada - Garson
Full support
By dumpedchick - 25/06/2009 02:46 - United States
What did I do?
By Anonymous - 22/06/2020 08:09
Independence day
By independence - 07/07/2011 04:04 - Australia
By BALEIGHLOVE17 - 20/05/2011 05:46
Gamers rise up
By Games - 20/07/2021 01:59
Top comments
obviously he never valued your relationship, you can do better(:
sounds like he has been craving manlove
Even then there are regional accents within each of those countries.
I actually read it in a Scottish accent, but close enough.
bros before hos
Clearly they both wanted to **** each other
he is gay... and took the oportunity!!
If he cares about you so little as to do that, you're probably better off in the long run.
And the OP would end up sleeping with the mate's ex and everyone wins!
OP's ex*
Yes because resorting to promiscuity to make herself feel better is a good idea? I hate it so much when people are *****. Don't hate them, just what they're doing.
That was a lame excuse he made. What an a hole.
Wow that's taking bromance to a whole nother level, FYL OP :(
I think he might be gay... Not for sure, but it is a possibility.
Turn "single lads" into "single ladies"! Time to have some fun!
Bros before hoes (;
Spoken like a true homosexual!!
#50 Shut up.
whaaaat up. Seriously. well at least ur single and can find a better dude. make up for two lost years;)
I love how you just left that question open to our imaginations ;D
Isn't there a really similar FML when the girlfriend dumps her boyfriend in sympathy with her just dumped friend.
you read too many FMLs..
That exactly what I was thinking
47 you don't read enough. And 11 yeah there is. I thought this was a copycat one. Not saying it is just saying it's REALLY similar
You mean 4 hours a day reading FMLs isn't healthy? 0__o
Your pic is so cute!!!

obviously he never valued your relationship, you can do better(:
Turn "single lads" into "single ladies"! Time to have some fun!