By SMS123 - 25/06/2010 19:42 - United States

Today, I was eating lunch with my boyfriend when I started choking. My boyfriend took it as an opportunity to sneak food off my plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 438
You deserved it 29

Top comments

wow... that's ****** up... what's wrong with him?

sunburned101 0

Wow, your boyfriend is one uncaring fat ass


oliviascreamed 0
brichewyy 0

what a douche that boyfriend of yours !! :-/ fyl

bunniebabe 0
CiNnImAtIcKsUnSe 0

Power to the fat people! Lol sucks to you. hope he still helped you. He "just wanted a little sugar" :-)

Aww what a sweet guy trying to make sure you did't choke on that bite too.... OP you should thank your boyfriend for putting his life in danger trying to protect you.:)

vannadoll 0