By SMS123 - 25/06/2010 19:42 - United States

Today, I was eating lunch with my boyfriend when I started choking. My boyfriend took it as an opportunity to sneak food off my plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 438
You deserved it 29

Top comments

wow... that's ****** up... what's wrong with him?

sunburned101 0

Wow, your boyfriend is one uncaring fat ass


71- she would have a hard time trying to find yours to choke on

dugumit 0

well u survived so quit whining.

I can't figure out if #7s picture is animated or not :/

NikkJachim 0

The food you were eating was obviously something that you could easily choke on, and you did. So that means that every other other bite of food you had was just another chance for you to choke again, and possibly die. Your boyfriend took away that chance by taking the food. He probably saved your life today, and you're FMLing about him. You should be thanking him! Unappreciative girlfriend right there.

NikkJachim 0

I can't figure out if 180's picture is gay or not.

NikkJachim 0

Nevermind, I figured it out. Gay for sure.

NikkJachim 0

How does somebody "sound" fat? Haha

AdventSeph 7

Hey, a man's gotta eat when a man's gotta eat. You choking shouldn't get in the way of what a man wants. Cue inspirational music.

ujonesy 0