By SMS123 - 25/06/2010 19:42 - United States

Today, I was eating lunch with my boyfriend when I started choking. My boyfriend took it as an opportunity to sneak food off my plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 438
You deserved it 29

Top comments

wow... that's ****** up... what's wrong with him?

sunburned101 0

Wow, your boyfriend is one uncaring fat ass


GiRIsMakingCupca 0

wow thts sadd( forhimm:)] GeEz! I would hit his fingers so hardd...:P

61 - You can not even correctly spell the word "you're" so you definitely have no room to be calling anyone an idiot.

the_Flirt 0
countrygirl1111 0

why's everyone callin him fat lol he's a guyyy. guys do that stuff get over your selfs

you should not have choked, it makes it seem like you don't like your food anymore

superbadd 0

Aw he's insensitive I would've slapped him, you could've died and he thought of food, WTF! fyl