By Anonymous - 13/08/2012 18:48 - United Kingdom - Goole

Today, I was feeling really down, so I texted my boyfriend, hoping to get some emotional support. He texted me back twenty minutes later, asking for nude pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 065
You deserved it 5 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Send a picture of a nude GUY from google ;) see how he likes that lol


jayyem 2

My boyfriend does the same shit -.-

amandajlucas2015 2

Honestly, from an outsiders perspective it sounds that y'all aren't very close if the first thing that u text him all day is you wanting some emotional support.. And he doesn't text u back for half an hour and when he does it completely ignores what your text was about and is asking for nudes.. When my boyfriend texts me after a long period of time it's not asking for nudes it's asking how I'm doin or how my day is goin or sayin that he loves me.. Maybe it's time to rethink ur relationship

Im sorry:( that's not nice of him. I've found that the type of guys I date that do that, in the long run it usually ends badly. Try talking to him and tell him how you feel about it, and if he still doesn't respond the way you need, it might be better to find support somewhere else.

naduskalove 3

If he can't support you in your hard moments and ask you to expose your body instead of comforting you ; Than He deserves nothing but to be dumped .

fukmefreddy 4

apparently, you look good. Why so down hot chick?

Don't get mad get even! Send them to me! Not sure if that'll make you feel better but I will haha

he doesn't deserve to be with you. .thats really inconsiderate of him.

Sounds like he needed a "lift" of his own.

Send him a picture of you nude from the neck up. That'll piss him off!

Ok. Give him what he wants. Unless you don't want to. Problem solved.