By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 03:42 - United States

Today, I was feeling unusually self-confident, so I decided to skip putting on makeup for the day. On my way to class, I passed some guys selling towels. One of them jeered, "Wanna be prettier? Buy a towel, and throw it over your face!" There goes my self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 119
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste


Don't listen to them. People like that will grasp at straws just so they can put you down and make you feel bad. They probably don't even know what beauty looks like.

Don't worry OP, your beautiful in your own way!!

that's sad if the crushed your confidence over so douche that don't even like girls fck him cuz u don't need makeup to look pretty use your natural beauty

He was probably doing a trick for selling and wouldn't the towel just fall off your head of you wore it?

kablooey_01 3

you should've said "want to be more successful? get a real job" ... then again, the day they quit, you know you're going to need that towel :/

boredblonde 17