By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 03:42 - United States

Today, I was feeling unusually self-confident, so I decided to skip putting on makeup for the day. On my way to class, I passed some guys selling towels. One of them jeered, "Wanna be prettier? Buy a towel, and throw it over your face!" There goes my self-confidence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 119
You deserved it 4 588

Same thing different taste


leadman1989 15

You should gave used ancient Chinese Kungfu on him, or else he'll never learn...

Forget those guys. They're stupid, and you should be happy with your appearance. :)

wazdog 4

The sad truth is the entrepreneurial guy will more likely be successful at life than the insecure OP.

PrincessesCrown 17

Don't worry op, true beauty comes from the inside.

BCenobit3 3

Thats so cruel. Dont mind those jerks, Cheer up not everyone has the same views and taste. Someone will find you attractive.

Meh..**** many people have called me ugly(including my parents)dont care:)

Let me rephrase that. Do you get kicks bringing people's morale and confidence down? If so, you have no respect for women and you are the sole reason why people's confidence is shot down. While you're wallowing in your self glory, enjoy the thumbs down, dick.

SL33PY_13 4