By fingerfuckd - 29/04/2009 15:47 - Canada

Today, I was fingering my girlfriend. When suddenly she started crying at the peak of her orgasm, when I asked what was wrong, she replied. "I-I-I MISS HIM!" She was crying about her ex boyfriend. While I was inside her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 166 710
You deserved it 13 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sbcpunkrocker 0

that's your cue to leave her, run away as fast as you can


I'd stick my fingers up her ass, drag it across her mouth, and say, "Miss that bitch!"

baby_love 0
tobywoo 0

She doesn't even know how much I miss her too.

Double post removed to avoid confusion.

WORST. I got secondhand embarrassment just reading that.

#77 is just twisted and shit man, I hope you left the bitch and I hope you tell her to read all these response's to your story to see how perfect strangers feel about shit like that. FYL all the way for this one.

bmt09 0

haha... #77 is on the right track but you need to find something worse

YDI for being the rebound guy. But don't run. Embrace your rebound-ness, have a lot of fun in the meantime, help her get over the old loser, but be ready to part ways when the time is right. You could be the guy she thinks of fondly in 10 years and remembers what a great guy you were, instead of running for the hills at any sign of emotion, like probably every other guy she has ever dated. PS: I Married my rebound guy 11 years ago. Still married. To him.

get out while you still have all your fingers!!!!