By boohoo - 06/09/2009 14:21 - Ireland

Today, I was fired from my catering job for pointing out the unsafe food conditions. I'm studying food safety in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 779
You deserved it 6 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sic whatever government organization is in charge of this on their sorry asses.

Look on the bright side. If you get a job at the FDA you can close down that shitty company...


You deserve it for studying that. Food safety is taught in college?! Food goes bad when left out for a while. End of lesson.

Why would he want it it they're being jerks about it. If anything sue for unjust termination and have them compensate for loss of wages.

PhishloverA 14

I think your boss needs to be drug tested. Even if you weren't studying food safety in college it's still good to point out something unsafe in the food. Normally you'd be fired for not saying anything

sadpanda888 12

you should report the hazard to the health inspector or something