By annoyedgirl - 04/05/2013 01:30 - United States - Ephrata

Today, I was forced to work with someone I absolutely hate. I then found myself starting to like him, until he shot me in the forehead with a stapler gun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 535
You deserved it 4 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kalmned 8

Sounds like you take things too seriously OP.

#48 let's meet up somewhere and have me staple your nuts...lets see how you like that!

That is dangerous, you should report him. He could cause serious damage with a stapler gun.

JohnLockmartin 4

In the words of an American (and this is why other countries don't like us) staple a law suit to that bitches head

Hardwarre 7

Shoot him back... With a nerf gun.

chenzki_fp 6

That's what you get! You let the enemy get too close.

ThePsyche 9

Figure all that out on your own, buster?