By brannonjames - 10/05/2012 22:20 - United States

Today, I was getting coffee with my aunt, and she asked me to pay. She then turned to the Barista and said, "He's never had a girlfriend before, and I wanted to show him that they take your money." The Barista laughed so hard she had to excuse herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 431
You deserved it 2 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and that's when you should have said; "and this is why you're on your third husband" regardless if she really is or not!

MetalxSoldier 26

And they embarrass you. Hmm... I think as long as you don't date your aunt out anyone like her you should be fine.


RawEndo 1

Better get a girlfriend to spend your money on rather than on your aunt.

If she's that good at embarrassing you, get her on your side and she'd probably get you a gal as quick as a sneeze!

Oh wow. The joke wasn't even funny. Was the barista high or something?

I don't see why that would be so hilarious. Don't listen to them, OP. You're awesome!

You see guys it's funny because it's true, girlfriends do take your money. If you're a doormat that is.

Awww. Nothing like tough love to make you hate your family members. Who needs enemies with family like that?

Maybe it's because you take weird angle photos

Maybe it's because she doesn't want a Justin Bieber wannabe for a nephew?

linkinpark98 23

There's someone for everyone, OP! I'm sure you'll find her. :)

What a random thing for your aunt to say. Just find someone better to spend your money on(:

Next time you're with her, just start walking away and say to the first guy you see "she's never had sex before, and I was just showing her how that's all some guys want"