By Time for a haircut - 21/05/2013 19:05 - United States

Today, I was getting out of my car, when my new neighbor asked if I'd help him unhitch a trailer. On my way over, he said, "Oh never mind, I thought you were a boy." I am a boy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 869
You deserved it 7 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donat96 20

Yep. She could make any man hard.

mylifeisgreat9 13

That's a compliment girls are pretty


needsagf14 12

Just need a little testosterone build up(;

Wow. That's sexist and insulting all at the same time!

Kc1001 14

Keep your hair short and do some exercise. maybe that will change how you appear.

Just because he thought you were a girl you couldn't do it??