By Anonymous - 16/04/2013 23:13 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was given a powerful laxative to clear me out. I can't go to the bathroom because the four guests of my sleeping roommate are all sitting in dead silence against the paper-thin bathroom wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 525
You deserved it 4 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just go... they'll stop listening soon enough ;-)


CharresBarkrey 15

You poor thing. Can't even get privacy in the toilet. That's just the worst.

I wish I was in your position... I would shit with door open and let loose the most unholy crap ever.

simplysarcastics 26

I used to be a little timid and couldn't use the dorm bathroom if other girls were in there with me. But then everyone else freely let it go when they went so I realized you can't help it, and just said it doesn't matter they get bathroom issues too. One thing that helped was if my stomach gave me a whole lot of trouble, I would flush while on the stool it quieted the noise. And if someone truly has to tune into your explosive diarrhea then they need a life, everyone has to poop and you should be able to freely do it in your house.

You just need to conjure some way of distracting their attention to the back yard or something else outside.

perdix 29

Bombs away! And exaggerate your moans and groans to run off the free-loaders staying at your place. Tell your roommate that you are not running a homeless shelter and your guests can stay in a goddamn hotel like normal people would !

Just blow it out. Everyone has blowass from time to time.

jessicaagracee 4

Play some music. It'll help drown out the sounds.