By Samaritan - 19/01/2010 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I was given a ticket for running a red light. The reason? I was moving out of the way of an ambulance. The police officer watched it go by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 742
You deserved it 3 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bribe him with a doughnut. If that doesn't work, file a complaint.


Moving your car illegally to make room for an emergency vehicle can potentially cause another emergency should you strike an oncoming vehicle or even the ambulance, should they have decided to go around you. No matter how you look at it, you broke the law and deserve a ticket.

I don't know what the law is in the UK, but here in Canada, we have to make room for emergency vehicles. If the only possible way to create enough room for the emergency vehicle (in this case, the ambulance) to get through is to go through a red, then you did the right thing. Take it to court and fight it.

go to court but i think this story is BULLSHIT

I love how everyone is trying to say what is right when in the United States there are 50 different sets of traffic laws AND this came from the UK were it could be completely different. If you're going to challenge it, figure out what the law is...shouldn't be too hard to figure out and see if you did was legal or illegal. As for WHERE I AM FROM...the general rule is if the emergency vehicle can get around you, stay put so it is one less thing to look for from the emergency vehicle's perspective. If there is absolutely NO way for the vehicle to get around you then SAFELY move out of the way...this rarely happens because drivers look much farther down the road than what the average driver would and knows if he/she will need an alternate route or move into oncoming traffic far enough in they aren't afraid to jump a curb (if there isn't a patient).

CrisisChild 0

We can assume the ambulance in the OPs post had no way around, because an Ambulance is *NOT* going to pull up behind you if he has any other options. Stop lecturing the OP about how he could have caused another accident or what have you. I think it's safe to assume he wasn't dodging oncoming traffic like he was a godamn action hero. Every time I've seen sirens at an intersection EVERYONE stops. You're kind of supposed to stop for sirens unless there's a physical barrier or you're in the *#(#ing way. Surprised the OP is from the UK though. I tremble at the thought that Euro cops are getting as bad as American cops.