By Samaritan - 19/01/2010 13:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I was given a ticket for running a red light. The reason? I was moving out of the way of an ambulance. The police officer watched it go by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 744
You deserved it 3 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bribe him with a doughnut. If that doesn't work, file a complaint.


I think you have at least a 50% chance of having the ticket dismissed if you contest it.

I call bullshit no cop does that even the retarded rejected ones you liar

On one hand you shouldn't have moved because it creates more problems for the ambulance, but on the other hand not moving has issues too. Awww shit, we should have paid more attention in driving school.

it is actually against the law to break the law while moving out of the way of emergency services vehicle. if you cannot move safely and legally then you don't move. that cop had every right to give you a ticket.

uhh that was a kind of stupid move! " There's an ambulance behind me, so I'm going to run a red light into possible oncoming traffic". Turn, and if you can't turn then wait for the light to change... running a red light is running a red light. Read up on it!

I've seen a time when all traffic came to a stop at a 4 way intersection and a few cars went through the red light to allow the ambulance to pass. No risk whatsoever involved. It is possible for people to do the right thing and stop when they hear an ambulance. This sucks. Take it to court. He's unlikely to show up anways.

idk about y'all state but in de u have to move or ur ass get fined. this was a hard call but u did wat u cud. I'm an emt in training and wen ppl are at lights we just blow the horn wen we need u 2 move

EMT in training? And you speak like that? If I'm ever your patient, please just let me die, okay?

You can't exactly break one law while trying to observe another and call it even.

Suggest you challenge this one. You just might win. I do a lot of work with a judge who also covers traffic matters, and he's very reasonable. Have to admit though that I don't think it was wise to put yourself in danger of being hit by oncoming traffic, ambulance or no ambulance.