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By stickers - 13/05/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, I was going through my mom's closet. On one of the shelves, I found two baby books. One was mine, the other was one for a dog she owned before I was born. I looked through them both. The dog's baby book was filled out more than mine was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 594
You deserved it 4 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your FML seems to be that she loved the dog more, but in reality, she spent more of her time after you were born interacting with you, instead of filling out a stupid scrapbook.

Just because she filled out the dogs book more then yours doesn't mean all that much. At least your mother took the time, and you should realize there's more to life then a couple dozen photographs. Also, babies aren't the same as dogs, meaning that babies are more demanding and (should) require more time and effort then a pet. I don't think this is really an FML.


Oriina 0

Well, maybe the dog was more interesting as a puppy than you were as a baby. Consider that?

Your FML seems to be that she loved the dog more, but in reality, she spent more of her time after you were born interacting with you, instead of filling out a stupid scrapbook.

bubbles09y0 0

wow.... that sucks... FYL . ahahah

Hunter329 0

that's a pretty shity thing to see.

helllllllo_9 0
burrito_supreme 0

If you didn't want to see something undesireable to you, you shouldn't have been going through your mother's closet. YDI.

Just because she filled out the dogs book more then yours doesn't mean all that much. At least your mother took the time, and you should realize there's more to life then a couple dozen photographs. Also, babies aren't the same as dogs, meaning that babies are more demanding and (should) require more time and effort then a pet. I don't think this is really an FML.