By Bratty son - 23/10/2012 04:25 - United States - Los Angeles
Same thing different taste
Lost the plot
By Anonymous - 04/03/2024 17:00 - United States
By sandwichmaker - 17/07/2011 02:46 - United States
By get a grip, son - 30/05/2014 20:37 - United States - Pooler
By Zora - 15/07/2012 23:13 - Norway - Bergen
By Marc - 06/02/2012 21:43 - United States
Great day out
By Anonymous - 14/09/2013 19:32 - Iceland - Reykjav
By Anonymous - 27/06/2014 21:15 - Canada - London
Call CPS, quick
By jessloveskate - 22/06/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 08/05/2009 03:02 - Canada
By uterurist - 22/11/2014 18:37 - United States - Saint Paul
Top comments
Kudos to the girl!

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Show it anywayShe doesn't want kudos. That's why she's at subway
@20 I think you will notice the difference between teasing and harassing? And if he was just teasing her because finding her cute, the crowd probably wouldn't be cheering after he got punched in the face.
Wow... U must have a pretty bad son
Young son. As in approximately 6 years old. IMO the son is a brat but that teenaged girl's reaction was unnecessary.
I honestly think it depends on how old the son is, but I'm assuming the teenage girl wouldn't punch a little kid so yeah he totally asked for it.
Everyone clapped because the girl did what everyone else wanted to do. So yes, kudos to her. Maybe if OP hit her son every once in a while (not saying she should punch him in the face!) other people wouldn't have to.
I love the girl who punched him.
From the OP's point of view, of course. Her son is "young". The girl is a "teenager". More political spin. The crowd clapped because the kid was a bully and deserved what he got. Only better result would be if the teen had punched the OP who is really at fault for the whole damn problem. The son did this because OP doesn't discipline him and he didn't expect consequences. He might very well expect consequences for now on. If he doesn't, I expect he'll get punched again.
Although he's an ass for insulting the girl, i do not agree to violence as reply..
Why didn't op hit her kid instead.. Horrible parents.
He totally deserved a good ass whopping ;p
149 - how do you know OP doesn't discipline her kid? Even if OP did the kid still could be a little shit and not give a ****. You can't always blame the parents for their kids actions. Hopefully that punch to the face taught him a lesson.
He deserved it! If you can't control you kid when he's being a bully it's a good thing another girl can stand up for herself!
Not only would I have clapped too, I would've burst out laughing. Your son had it coming.
He's not talking from a victim's point of view, he's talking about bystanding
Back in the day; my mom would have whooped my ass for doing that.
Apples and trees, control your kid
Is OP looking for props for being a terrible parent? It sounds like he should have knocked his son in the head lon before the girl had to do it. Way to go parent, your lack of discipline has forced other people to correct your children for you. I wish the girl had hit you right after she hit your kid. And if your son was crying, it means he is a little baby that didnt get his way.
Patrick gets it!!
I wouldve insulted her son and told the punch lady to do it again and never stop
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayBelieve it or not, young girls don't have to be weak and pathetic even if society and airhead magazines like you to think otherwise.
-27, I think you misunderstood what he/she meant. To use OP's own words, her son is a "young boy", not teenage like the girl. So he/she was not sexist, just concerned that someone older hit someone too young to fight back. Don't get me wrong, kids these days, like OP's son could use a good smacking around, and he probably learned a lesson he will never forget.
54, you are absolutely right. I I totally rushed my comment. Sorry #3, your argument is very valid indeed.
-142, if no one else will say it, I will. It was big of you to apologize for your mistake. It's a lot more than most are willing to do on fml.
Everyone shush about age to op her son will always be her "young boy" or her "baby".
Yeah but I'm sure if OPs son was a teenager OP would have said my teenage son.
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Show it anywayAction, reaction. Guess he learned the lesson.
He can't be that young or he would not have had the linguistic skills to compose enough effective insults. If he's old enough to be insulting then he's old enough to learn when to keep is mouth shut or have it filled.
I'm gonna disagree, I know 5 yr olds who are straight evil when they are talking trash!!
everyone there's soap for a reason.
I agree
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayI'm guessing from everyone else's reactions that OP's son isn't really that young. He's probably around 10-12 yet OP is one of those parents who babies and spoils their children which is probably why he acts out in such a manner. I doubt people would clap if he was really that young.
105 is right - nobody claps when you bitch-slap a five year old! So I'm told.
lmao at "wank stain." I've heard many creative insults before but that's up there on my list
To be honest I know everyone there and here would probably want to have punched the kid, but they didn't. The girl needed to have some restraint! If she goes around punching everyone that's mean or insulting then she'd be doing it all day long. What's she going to do in the real world when she has a boss that's an ass? Punch him? We've all felt like knocking people out at times but we don't because we have restraint it's part of being, or even becoming, an adult! I don't care if she's 15 or 16 or not. This isn't to say that I wouldn't have clapped or laughed if I saw her punch the bratty kid. Oh and op get a hold of your friggen kid! Take him to the car and spank him if you have to, or a lesser more widely acceptable punishment, grab him and bring him to the car, no subway for a nastiness and bullying! If you're old enough to pop out a kid then your old enough to start being a proper parent. The world doesn't need anymore bratty kids or irresponsible parents! Smarten up and discipline, or get your tubes tied for humanities sake!
He had it coming, he had it coming. He only had himself to blame. If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it. I betcha you would have done the same!
Kudos. The same thing was running through my head as well :j
I went to see that over the summer on a trip to New York.
Why do you think it's ok for a female to hit a male? Guys get thrown in jail overnight just for pushing women, sometimes even when the woman instigated the violence. Disgusting double standards.
#89, You disgust me with your apparent lack of knowledge on musicals. Your whole defensive persona made my night, though.
89- if OP decided to file a lawsuit or if a cop witnessed it I'm sure the girl wouldn't have walked away so easy. Don't get your panties in a twist
Women don't have superior lower body strength. Watch the average woman try to squat the same amount as the average man in a weight room.
I'm a 110 lb woman and I can squat 250 just sayin btw loving the Chicago reference xD
127- I think the "if ya know what I mean.." meme would fit your comment.
He got one warning shot; into his head!
If the genders were reversed how would you feel?
Pop, six, squish, Nuh uh, sizzero, lipshits (I think that's what the last one says, I'm not entirely sure)
Bernie, you pop that gum one more time! And he did. So I took the shotgun off the wall And I fired two warning shots..... Into his head!!!
And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.
Exactly how young was your son?
That's what I want to know.
Tried to get him to stop? Chick it should have been u leaving with ur brat. Like who's the parent here
Agreed. That child simply needs a good ol' fashioned spanking. I hate it when parents don't punish their kids in any way because they're either too lazy or they believe that spankings and other means of punishment will 'squelch their personality'. Parents have been spanking their children all throughout history and for the most part it hasn't mentally or emotionally damaged them. You know what it does do? Teaches them a lesson and how to behave properly. Although, I do admit that their are a lot of abusive parents out there who beat their children daily and claim its just punishment. I also hate it when people say there's a fine line between reasonable punishment and abuse. It is no fine line at all, it's as wide as a mile. You know exactly when you've gone too far. Unless you have been slapped in the back of your head so hard that spit flies out of your mouth and slaps you in the back of your head again, you have not had a childhood. Lol and when you hear that belt flying through the belt loops of your father's pants you know judgement has come!
59, when you hear the belt coming out or a slipper you bloody run up the stairs and hope and pray they do not catch you before you close your bedroom door!
My dad would snap his belt to make a loud clap. ******* terrifying.
Mine did that too. One time I stole something from my brother and he wanted to teach me to keep my hands to myself so he made me put my hand in there and snapped the belt. It actually didn't even sting or hurt at all, but it sure did scare the shit out of me! Haha he's a good man, my Poppy :)
I completely agree with you. As a teacher who's had some pretty awful students, I will be the first to say some children need their asses whooped. I guarantee if those same awful students whose asses were whopped they wouldn't be acting that away ever again.
How can you be bored waiting in line for Subway!? I always repeat my order in my head so I don't say "uuuhhh" or "uuuhhhmm" when I order. I have yet to be successful.
I have beat you in the race to do that. But it still bothers me when I pause and zone out.
you do that? Pssh please bitch im perfect everytime.
Get out of here apache.
^lol two helicopters.
I love those two helicopters, they are awesome.
I'm going to subway before work and I promise I'll order without saying uhhh or ummm. Yeah. Totally.
112- Ikr? Obviously I'm better than the "viper" more like a garden snake.
My duo sidewinder missiles beg to differ.
Unless he was autistic....
I have an ASD. If I'd have done that, and got punched in the face, mum would have made sure nothing serious was broken, told me I deserved it, and would probably have banned me from chocolate and/or reading for a *week*. Of course, I would have to get my nose out of my book before I went around mocking random strangers. And, y'know, developed the inclination to mock random strangers.
Should have punched you for your inability to control your son.

Kudos to the girl!
Not only would I have clapped too, I would've burst out laughing. Your son had it coming.