By Anonymous - 24/01/2014 05:32 - United States - Hackensack

Today, I was going to have sex, so I went to my basement to get my builder bear that I had stuffed my condoms in. The bear was gone. My dad gave it to charity. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 52 254
You deserved it 19 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

Some lucky 6-year-old is going to get a bear AND balloons...


Looks like some orphan will get a lesson in life waaaay to early

5ml is because fml just turned 5 dumb ass

I also like to yell "dumbass" to no one in particular.

OP you must not understand how it works. The condom goes on the penis and then into the ******, not into your favorite toy.

If you're young enough to live in your parents' house and hide condoms in a teddy bear, you're too young for sex.

westboundcali 13

Has anyone notice that this and the last two end with 5ML!

Why would you hide them in a bear that didn't reside in your room? That is the biggest mistake you made. If sex is up for grabs you want as few trips into the rest of your home to be necessary as possible.

"Bear" back it.* *The former message is only a joke, under no uncertain terms does this poster support unsafe sex and, accordingly, holds no responsibility for those engaging therein.