By Anonymous - 19/01/2011 05:45 - United States

Today, I was going to the bathroom at my boyfriend's house. I had awful diarrhea and was almost done, when I noticed a spider on the ground. Being terrified, I took a giant ball of toilet paper to kill it. I realized then that I had no toilet paper left to use. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 715
You deserved it 35 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

That's not a drinking fountain? ****, I've been doing this all wrong.

and that's why you buy one of those Japanese toilets.


Just get your boyfriend to bring you some.

RedPillSucks 31

Makes you wonder just how stupid OP is.... Alternatively, she could use the piece that killed the spider. What? It is dead, after all.

ydi for being such a sissy? what's the spider gonna do? Crawl up your butt? obviously that wouldn't have worked since it can't go up with everything else coming down >.>" poor harmless creature >.> -sigh-

RedPillSucks 31

The spider could bite her on the ass. Are those your real eye color?

true true they can bite her there. and lol no I wish, but I edited my eyes only :3

DakotaCat 4

Ydi! I'm scared of lizards and you don't see ME killing them!

Fatman13 0

I'm pretty sure I've never seen you at all...

frostiebeanz 0

1.poor spider, you bitch. live and let live. 2. get in shower spread ur ass apart and wash it 3. what would mcGyver do?

this is when you man up and brush the dead spiders bits off the toilet paper and use it haha

use the dead spider paper, or else wear panties with the mother of all skid marks!

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

umm y didn't use something else besides toliet paper to kill it? XD I mean u know ur in a bathroom use like a soap thingy or a large bath towel

Because she respects what's in her boyfriend's house and doesn't want to wipe her shit on a large, fluffy towel.

Indeed I did. Well, I wouldn't want spider's guts all over my towel, and I wouldn't want to put that on my boyfriend's towel either.

fthku 13

@50 Seeing as OP didn't realise that the toilet paper would run out, it makes more sense to grab some toilet paper rather than use a towel and dirty it. Also some bathrooms are just toilets, no sink or shower ergo no towels. What I don't get is how she didn't realise it would run out, or why she had to use that much toilet paper.

50 - Of course they can be washed. Doesn't mean that changes what I said.

The spider was obviously waiting for his turn on the toilet.